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Italian partner

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Istituto Comprensivo “Maria Montessori”,

Nursery, Primary and Junior High School

Viale Adriatico 140, RomaItaly


“IC Montessori”islocated in the thirdtown hall of the city of Rome, aboutten Km from the centre; there are about 1200 students and 115 teachers.

The school consists of three separate school complexes: “Viale Adriatico”, “Monte Ruggero” and “Angeli della Città”. In two of them Montessori Method isapplied in Nursery and Primary school.

Our teaching method is based on respect for the learning ability of each pupil, it promotes the boost and the development of skills through an active construction of knowledge. We help pupils to create their own experiences, in order to develop their personality.

Wepromote and encourageinclusion, conflictmediation, gender equality and healthy lifestyles.

Recentlyweimplementedour school with new tools for an innovative teaching,usingdifferenttechnologies (ICT).

Our school hasbeeninvolved in manyeuropean projects (Comenius and Erasmus +) and many projects aboutBullying and Cyberbullyingprevention are carried on.

Ourstudents study English and Spanish.

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