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Welcome to The Power of Art!


Art plays a special role in people’s lives. Some people choose them to be their profession, in order that they could create something everlasting for the world. For them, it is particularly important to ensure that talent could be identified and receive support.

However, for most of us, it is an opportunity. An opportunity to develop, to be proud, to be happy, to live a more meaningful life. In the project The Power of Art, we regard art as an essential component of the development of children.

Events & Workshops
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Mobilitie 1


The first mobility of this project was between 1 and 8 December 2018, in the south of Europe, in a country with history: Greece. A group of 20 students and twelve teachers came back from this experience with more knowledge, new ideas and did new friends. Each of us played an essential role in this first adventure. History, music, painting, sculpture and a great deal of sympathy.


Mobilitie 2


The second mobility of this project was on the 20th-26th of May 2019. The first day was spent at school, with school presentations, attending classes, and Workshops on Painting tiles and Music.

The second day was spent at school in the morning, with two workshops on Painting and Portuguese Literature. The afternoon was a medieval one. First, the City Council welcomed the participants, and afterwards, everybody went to a beautiful castle where they played medieval games. Then, everybody dressed in medieval customs and went to a Traditional Pastry Workshop. Participants had a fantastic medieval dinner with medieval dances and songs and fire breathing to end the day.

The following day, participants went to an exhibition by Escher and visited a gothic church in Porto downtown. Then, the lunch was a traditional dish – Francesinha, and the group headed to the coastal city of Aveiro, where they had a traditional boat trip, visited the salt pans and had dinner near a lighthouse.

On Thursday, the group stayed at school. There, they had a general rehearsal of the traditional songs and traditional sports/games. During the afternoon, the group participated in a Street Art/Theatre Festival and finished the day at school with a farewell dinner.

The last day was spent in Porto. There, the group participated in an open rehearsal and a guided tour at Casa da Música. After that, the group had lunch at the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art and visited the museum. Then, there was time for a quick walking through the streets of old Porto downtown before tasting Port wine at the cellars. The day finished with a cruise on the river Douro. 

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(Virtual) Mobility 5

This LTTA was the closing activity of our project work. Therefore, we planned to show the result of our common work.

Workshops: - A presentation on Kodály method (as a part of UNESCO
Intangible Cultural Heritage) was held by the Hungarian music teacher and choir conductor. Kodály’s “Let music belong to everyone!” slogan reflected his wish to make his method available for everyone.

- Presentations of the partner schools – the Hungarian folk song was sung by each partner.

- Art lessons – special painting technics were shown by the Hungarian art teachers and used by the students.

 - A drama lesson was presented with the participation of the
students from the partner schools using the extracts sent in advance.

- An online game called Kahoot. We gathered pictures, photos, memories experienced during the lifetime of the project and used them in the game. Cultural events: - Unfortunately, we could not visit Hungary – its capital, Budapest and one of its world heritage sites, Aggtelek -, so we had virtual tours to these places. -
- The performance of the play “Follow the ErasMuses”.

-espite of all the difficulties the primary goal of the project was reached by performing the Travelling story as the final product of our common work. A farewellslideshow was dedicated to remember. We relived every remarkable moment of our common work.

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© 2020 by Created Candida Neves Couto & Rogério Ramos with

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